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Recipe: Perfect Lilhpster's Healthy Bloody Mary Juice (non-alcoholic)

Lilhpster's Healthy Bloody Mary Juice (non-alcoholic).

Lilhpster's Healthy Bloody Mary Juice (non-alcoholic) You can cook Lilhpster's Healthy Bloody Mary Juice (non-alcoholic) using 8 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Lilhpster's Healthy Bloody Mary Juice (non-alcoholic)

  1. It's of medium-sized beet (with the greens attached).
  2. It's of leaves of chard.
  3. It's of knuckle of ginger.
  4. Prepare of cucumber.
  5. It's of Apple.
  6. It's of whole carrot.
  7. You need of whole jalapeno pepper.
  8. It's of cherry tomatoes.

Lilhpster's Healthy Bloody Mary Juice (non-alcoholic) step by step

  1. Put all the ingredients through a juicer and let them strain into a large glass together. Stir....
  2. ..And enjoy! Watch my juice cleanse and my vegan life at :).

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